We contribute to building the Kingdom of God by engaging people in all life stages and providing opportunities for involvement that promote the common good of our parish and community.
As members of this Stewardship Parish, all parishioners are invited to live the Stewardship Way of Life through opportunities to share their Time Talent and Treasure.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a non-profit, Catholic, fraternal organization that supports our parish in many different ways. Our Knights are a very dedicated group of men who are always willing to lend a helping hand. Membership in this organization is open to all Males, 18 years or older, who are active and practicing Catholics in communion with the Holy See. Please contact the current Grand Knight for more details 409-722-1883.
St. Elizabeth Ladies Guild
Mission statement: We, the Catholic women of St. Elizabeth parish, will be known for the loving concern we have for each other. We shall spread the good news and evangelize by our word and example. We will praise and worship God reverently in our communal and personal lives. We will serve one another, practicing corporal Works of Mercy, and offering our time, talent, and treasure for the good of the community. We will remain open to God as he builds His kingdom in our midst.
Our Ladies Guild is an active group of women who are dedicated to serving not only our parish, but the overall community. We serve at sacramental receptions through the year, offer scholarships to high school seniors, hold collections for Rainbow Room and other community needs. This organization meets monthly and has many activities planned for socializing and fellowship as well. Membership is open to any female parishioner 18 years or older. Our current President is Sue Semple, Vice President- Ellen Paullino, Treasurer-Emily Rueda , Secretary-Margaret Boland , and Chaplain- Lisa Fiorenza
Our next meeting will be on March 14, 2021 in the Church.
Altar Society
Altar Society is open to all women 18 years and older. Their primary goals are to promote the love of God and others, frequent Mass attendance, praying for vocations and supporting the diocesan fund for priestly formation, and to love and care for the adornment and cleanliness of God’s house. The Altar Society provides support to the parish through many different service activities and through a Bereavement Committee which provides meals and support for parishioners who are grieving the death of a loved one. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month.
Please Note: Due to Covid 19 we are not currently meeting.
Bereavement Committee
This ministry is an extension of the Altar Society. It is comprised of several Teams of volunteers from the parish who provide food for parishioners who are walking through one of the most difficult times in our lives, the death of a loved one. This ministry is open to all active members of the parish, if you would like to be a part of a Team, contact JoAnn Tomasello.
Social Justice Ministry
This ministry is a very important ministry both within our parish and our community. Based on the Corporal Works of Mercy, this ministry seeks to provide whatever assistance they can for those who are in immediate need of food, clothing, or other basic necessities. The members of this ministry seek to provide these things through donations and other means. This ministry is extremely important and is a way to show the love of Christ to those who are in need. As Christ said, ―Whatsoever you do to the least of these, you have done unto me. This ministry is open to anyone who has the time or resources to help. For more information, contact the church office. Contact: Don Miller.
Homebound Ministry
Those who are ill or elderly and are not able to attend Mass with the Assembly, have a right as Catholics, to receive Holy Eucharist. Homebound Ministers are trained and commissioned to take the Eucharist to those who cannot be with us physically. If you know of someone who needs to receive Eucharist at home or at the hospital, please let the office know. Cheryl Lopez is the coordinator of the Homebound Ministers.