At St. Elizabeth, we have many opportunities to gather as a church family, share your faith, and work toward common goals. We value the closeness of our church community and we strive to build relationships between our ministries. By doing this, our baptismal calling to minister to one another and share the love of Jesus Christ with everyone is lived.

Thursday Morning/Night Bible Study

This Bible study group meets on Thursday mornings at 9:15AM and 6:30PM to discuss the scriptures and develop an increased awareness of how the scriptures can be applied to our daily lives. There is a variety of video series and Bible studies that occur continuously throughout the year. We strive to grow in the knowledge of our faith tradition, scriptures, and grow a healthy prayer life.  Parish faith enrichment programs that are available in the evenings are made available in the morning at this meeting.

This season’s bible study is titled Mary: The Bible and the Mother of God. It is a 7 week study by Dr. Brandt Pitre. Anyone interested can contact the parish office for their book at a cost of $25.
For more information, the Parish office via phone.

Reflecting on Sunday’s Scriptures

This Scripture study group meets every Sunday from 9:15 am-10:15 am in Hebert Hall to discuss the readings for the week’s Masses. Led by a rotating facilitator, the study is an open discussion on how we can apply the readings and scriptures to our daily life as well as give background and insight on the scriptures for that particular Sunday’s readings. This study is open to all members of the parish.

Parish Library with a variety of books, videos, and several scripture studies is available for your use during office hours. Rhonda Melancon maintains this library for our parish.

Parish wide studies occur at Lent and through the year. Watch the bulletin or website for contact information so you can get involved.

Peace be with you.
Veni, Sanctus Spiritus. Come, Holy Spirit.