Greeting Card Ministry
This ministry is another way that we show the love of Christ as a community of faith. This group sends cards and well wishes to our Homebound and military. They also send to those having a landmark anniversary or birthday as well as the newly baptized and anyone else in the parish that needs to know that they are loved and supported by their church family. To offer a name for an encouraging card, contact Brenda Raithel.
Intercessory Prayer Group
Intercessory Prayer Group is an extension of the Greeting Card Ministry. The members of this group gather written and verbal prayer requests from individuals and all requests are prayed over. Cards are written to those who have chronic illnesses, surgeries, have ongoing medical treatments or procedures such as chemotherapy or radiation. It might also include cards to military personnel or spiritual encouragement for loss of employment. A prayer request box is located in the foyer or information can be sent to Monica Barnett.
Annual Women’s Conference
An additional opportunity for women in our community to gather and share a day of fun, fellowship and spiritual growth. A new director is chosen each year to organize and lead this fun-filled and inspirational day.
Grief Support
Grief Support Group meets the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 in Room 4. We welcome and support people from all faith walks during their difficult time. If you have lost a spouse, family member, friend, or know of someone who is experiencing grief, we are here to help. A burden shared is a burden lessened. Contact Wanda Luke
Funeral Ministers
This ministry is comprised of parishioners who are Lectors or Eucharistic Ministers. These parishioners serve as liturgical ministers at funerals and may also pray with the family at the funeral home. For information about this ministry, contact Sandra Beaugh