Baptism at St. Elizabeth is performed after following steps provided by the parish. For more information please contact the Parish office at 409-727-8874. As the “first teachers of your child in the ways of faith,” you are to be complimented on your interest in preparing well for your child’s celebration of the sacrament of Baptism. […]
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Parents should understand that presenting their child for Baptism is a promise to faithfully raise their child in the Catholic faith, and to be an example of Christian living for their child.
In order to celebrate your child’s baptism at St. Elizabeth, the following requirements must be met:
- The parents who are Catholic are expected to be practicing Catholics. This means being registered in a parish, giving of their time, talent, and treasure in support of their parish.
- Parents must attend a Baptism Preparation class. Expectant parents are encouraged to attend the Baptism Class before the birth of their child. Baptism Classes are held every other month on Thursdays at 7 p.m. at the parish.
- Parents should be registered members of St. Elizabeth.
- Parents who are not registered at St. Elizabeth must provide verification of registration in another parish signed by the Pastor of that parish with church seal, and returned to the parish office. Their Pastor must also give permission for the Baptism to be celebrated at St. Elizabeth.
To register for the class and Baptism, please contact Charlene at 409-727-8874 or email – charlene@stepncatholic.org
In order to serve as a Godparent(s), the following requirements must be met:
- Godparents are Catholics in good standing who are registered in a parish, attend Mass, and are giving of their time, talent, and treasure to their parish.
- A Godparent Must be a confirmed Catholic and practicing their Catholic faith. If the person is a non-Catholic, they may be a Christian Witness.
- One Godparent is required, but you may have two.
- Godparents(s) are to be at least 16 years old and confirmed, and not cohabitating.
- Married Godparents must be in a valid Catholic marriage, that is, married by a priest or deacon in the Catholic church, or have had the marriage validated, or had a dispensation from the local Bishop to be married in the church of another faith tradition.

First Reconciliation is celebrated in the fall of a child’s 2nd grade year. To learn more contact Susan Dengler. Reconciliation is offered every Saturday from 3:00-4:00 p.m. or by appointment with Fr. Jim.
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For teens, the Confirmation Preparation program at St. Elizabeth is a two-year process. Our program is called Upper Room. Typically, teens begin the program at the beginning of their 9th-grade year and the Sacrament is celebrated in the spring of 10th-grade year. For more information contact the Youth Office or visit our page under the High School Ministry tab. […]
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You must call the Parish Office at 409-727-8874 and make an appointment with a priest 6 months prior to your anticipated wedding date. A firm wedding date should not be made prior to speaking with a priest. Marriage prep is required for all couples in preparation for the sacrament. Marriage Preparation A wedding is a special and joyful […]
Read MoreAnnulments & Convalidation
Contact Fr. Shane for information about Annulments and Convalidation.

Anointing of the Sick
Please call the parish office if you need a priest for Anointing. If you are going to the hospital for surgery contact the parish to arrange for anointing.
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Holy Orders
Heroic Priesthood Are you interested in learning more about the Priesthood? Contact Fr. Jim McClintock through the Parish office. “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38) “He said to them, ‘The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master […]
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