If you would like to attend any of these conferences or trips, it is mandatory that you be at the Summer Informational Meeting held on Wed., Jan. 15th at 6:30pm in Hebert Hall. We will also discuss fundraising opportunities at the meeting.
Diocesan Youth Conference
The Annual Diocesan Youth Conference (DYC) is held at the Hyatt Regency in Houston, Texas. Over 900 teens gather from all over the Diocese of Beaumont to celebrate their Catholic faith! DYC is open to all incoming freshman to graduating seniors. This year the conference will be June 17-20, 2020.
Steubenville Lone Star
Steubenville Lone Star is held in Irving, Texas. Over 4,000 teens from all over the country spend the weekend in praise and worship, listening to national speakers and praying together. Steubenville Lone Star is open to all incoming freshman to graduating seniors. This year Steubenville will be June 19-21, 2020.
Life Teen Leadership Conference
The Life Teen Leadership Conference (LTLC) is in Atchison, Kansas, at Benedictine College. This is a week long leadership conference filled with speakers, praise and worship, individual prayer time and learning the tools to lead others around you. LTLC is open to teens entering their Junior and Senior year. Applications for this conference are available starting in December of each year. This year LTLC will be June 22-26, 2020.
Life Teen Summer Camp
#bestcampever. Life Teen Summer Camp is a week away at camp to enjoy the best of both worlds, Jesus + summer! Spend the week challenging yourself with ropes courses, river excursions, daily prayer and so much more! The location and date of camp changes, so stay connected to our page to see when the date and sign up is announced.