Online Giving
Check out the Online giving button on home page or click here.
Regular Offertory
At St. Elizabeth we are extremely thankful for our very generous parishioners. Your weekly offertory contributions provide the lifeblood of income for our parish. Through our regular offertory, we are able to support ministries and programs in our parish. It all costs money and your weekly or monthly contributions are what allows us to provide all of this – for you.
Our Appeal for Catholic Ministries (ACM) is an annual opportunity for every member of our faith family to share in the pastoral work of Christ by funding the important programs and ministries of the Diocese of Beaumont.

Special Diocesan Collections
As followers of Christ, we are called to share our financial resources with others, especially those most in need. Throughout the year, special needs are placed before the Faithful for their support.
Wills or Bequest Gifts
Please Consider St. Elizabeth in Your Estate Plan.
When considering gifts to a charity in your Will or Trust please remember St. Elizabeth Parish. Gifts can be made to the parish in the following ways:
- A specific dollar amount
- A percentage of your estate
- A particular asset such as real estate or other valuables
- You may also name the parish as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy.
No matter how you decide to remember your parish, a gift from your will accomplishes several key benefits:
- It sends a strong message to your heirs that the Church played an important role in your life.
- It guarantees that your generosity to the Church will be continued even after you are gone.
- It provides important assistance to our parish.
- It may even provide tax benefits for your heirs.
- Talk to your lawyer or financial counselor today about the best way for you to remember your parish in your will.
Altar Flowers & Sanctuary Candles
A wonderful way to remember your loved ones. A special way to make a donation is to make an offering for flowers for Sunday’s celebration of the Eucharist. Your generosity will help to defray the cost to the parish, and our church will be greatly enhanced. You can also make an offering for our Sanctuary Light to burn for one week. This is another wonderful way to give thanks for your loved one, and pray that your loved one be with God in heaven, where the light of God’s happiness and peace will always be bright.
Christmas, Easter Flowers, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day Flowers
During the special season of Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day, the church uses an abundance of flowers to beautify our church. We allow parishioners to provide flowers through donations that can be made in honor or in memory of a specific person. All donations will bring honor to God through the beauty of his creation.